Where Can I find rapid tests for the Ben Morris Workshop Weekend?

In order to attend, you will need to obtain 2 rapid Covid tests.  These will not be provided by WCS Masterclass.  You’ll need to take one prior to the kick off workshop/dance on Saturday (if you’re attending that night).  You’ll also need to take the second one prior to attending the workshops on Sunday.  Take the test at home (or in the parking lot). 

If you’re struggling to find rapid tests, here are a few options:  

1. Free Covid Rapid Tests

colorado flag

Update 1/7/22:  The state of Colorado just stopped accepting requests for free tests as they’re getting overloaded.  Please try one of the paid options below if you don’t have rapid tests in your possession yet.  

2. Buy Test Kits

There are a few options if you want to purchase kits.  Most of these options are experiencing a surge in demand.  So I’d get something ordered ASAP.  If the free kits from Colorado arrive in time (if you ordered before they shut down), then you’ll at least have some kits on hand for a safety stock.

Walmart (In store pickup)


Before you drive to your local store (most don’t have them in stock), check Walmart.com for Binax Rapid tests for local store availability.  Click the “check availability button” and enter your zip code. They get snapped up pretty quickly but it’s worth a shot to see if any are left.  

iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid At Home Test (2 Pack)

Note: Walmart has a 90 day return policy.  If you ordered through the state of Colorado (for free tests) but not sure if you’ll get them on time, you might order from here as a backup.  If you check Walmart and it says that they’re not in stock any more, please contact me asap so I can update this page (jpswingproductions (at) gmail (dot) com)

Get them from Jonathan

If you are struggling to find tests, let me know in advance of the event (jpswingproductions (at) gmail (dot) com).  I have limited quantities of Binax and iHealth (see orange box above) that I’ve purchased which you can buy for $25 (for 2 kits).  Before you do that though, check the options above as they might be cheaper.


On/Go COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test - (2 Pack)

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